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Welcome, and thanks for stopping by.

This blog serves to give further reading to go along with the messages from Sunday. Each post will be a peek into the upcoming message, or even a discussion about current events.

When it comes to discussions on sermons, there is often more information I have than what I can talk about on Sunday. When editors work through the video for movies they edit out sections that are both good and bad. Their goal is to create the smoothest story-telling experience they can within a given timeframe.

With sermon preparation I often have pages of notes I can't use because to do so would cause the sermon to be over an hour long. So, this blog has been created to offer a place to give some of that relevant information to help you grow in your understanding of who God is, and what it means to be a Christ-follower.

Feel free to comment to the posts, share them with others, or just read them for yourself.

If you are new here and don't already have a church home, we would love to meet you this Sunday. You can check out our website through the link to get directions.

Hope to see you this week,